Events and Shop:
— The Dracolich Treasure arrived in launcher.
— The Luckybox Sets arrived in launcher.
— The Battle manual packs arrived in launcher.
— The Shadow Packs arrived in launcher.
— The "Increased Drop Chance +30%" event has begun.
— The "Colorful runaways" event has begun.
Finished activities:
— The Dovmihr's Legendary WIN-WIN Machine left the launcher.
— The Shadow Packs left the launcher.
— The Special Packs for Arch Bishop left the launcher.
— The Special Packs for Sura left the launcher.
— The "Shaken, not stirred" event has come to an end.
- Fixed a bug where the bonus from Lichtern Green Card, Lichtern Red Card, Lichtern Yellow Card, and Lichtern Blue Card remained even after unequipping them.
- Fixed an issue with Revived Gutling Gun, where SP consumption was incorrect.
- Added new teleport options to Kafra and Zonda NPCs:
- Kafra: Glastheim Churchyard, Abyss Lake F2, Cursed Monastery F1
- Zonda: Magmarings, Thanatos Tower F5, Holy Ground F2
- Updated Thanatos Tower: All level 99+ characters can now enter F7 (if they have the Black Key).
- Fixed an issue in Old Glastheim that caused monsters to spawn in unreachable areas.
- Updated F97 of Endless Tower with the correct monster set.
- Novice Platinum Skills Quests:
- Added an NPC required for quest progression.
- NPC Nursing Officer can be found at /navi prt_cas 178/78.